Celebrating 35 years of Toto Tours
Flowing Gently with Life
Toto Tours is celebrating its 35th Anniversary in 2025, and it has been my privilege to bring this company into existence and to share so many life-changing experiences with all of you over these decades. This passion for travel has been my true calling in life, but now I need to heed other calls from my family and friends and from my own body and spirit.
I will be hanging up my Ruby Slippers at the conclusion of our final tour next year. Toto Tours may very well continue on, with me in an advisory role for a short time after that. Details are still being ironed out and I’ll keep you posted. The upcoming tours represent our best chance to say farewell to each other in person. I hope you will travel with me at least one more time before the end of next year.
This decision feels absolutely right for me, and it brings me great peace of mind. I recognize the truth of impermanence - nothing lasts forever - and I want to exit gracefully while I still have my full faculties and so much more living to do. Please join me in celebrating the beauty of the full circle of life.
With love and gratitude, Dan Ware
Please Note: If you have any outstanding credits with Toto Tours from pandemic-cancelled tours, you need to use those before the end of 2025.
Best of South Africa
You won’t find a better opportunity to take in all the highlights of South Africa than our tour next April, with an exciting extension to see Victoria Falls! We still have a few spaces available, but our exclusive properties won’t allow us to hold them much longer. Don’t delay! This tour is a guaranteed departure. Details here.
We look forward to traveling with you soon!

February 3 - 17, 2025
Open - Guaranteed
INCREDIBLE INDIARajasthan & Desert Festival
April 11-22, 2025 VicFalls Ext to 26th
Open - Guaranteed
DIAMOND IN THE ROUGHGlittering South Africa + Vic Falls
July 2-9, 2025 Netherlands Ext. to 12th
Sold Out - Waitlist Open
BELGIAN WAFFLEBarging Belgium’s Waterways
September 1 – 11, 2025
Open - Guaranteed
LAND OF THE GODSAthens and the Greek Islands
October 14 – 26, 2025
December 1 - 10, 2025
Open - Guaranteed
Colorful ColombiaGateway to South America
Toto Tours has been serving the LGBT community since 1990. We have the distinction of being the only gay tour company in existence which has been operating with the same ownership and management for such a long span of time. We are dedicated to creating exciting travel opportunities that enable our community to explore the wonders of the world in comfort and safety while having the time of our lives. Our clients come back year after year to travel with friends they met on previous trips, meet new people, and explore different parts of the world. We constantly develop new adventures to appeal to everyone, from those venturing on their first international trip, to even the most experienced and frequent world travelers. Our name is derived from the Latin word meaning "all-inclusive." The rainbow colors of the gay flag weave through the word TOTO to symbolize our connections to each other, our communities, and the world. Welcome to Toto Tours, where gay men, lesbians, their close friends and adult family members are invited to travel together to discover all the delights this world has to offer -- "in Toto."
In this difficult time we have created a short video message (at the right) to offer encouragement, and to remind everyone that this pandemic will someday be a memory. We might feel helpless right now, and unable to do all the things that we love (like exploring the world), but we can use this time to take an exciting inner journey to explore more about who we are and what we believe. We could very well emerge from such an adventure as more centered humans who are better able to cope with unexpected situations, and grateful for all the good things we have. This is the Toto Spirit. We support you on this inner journey and look forward to the day when we can once again travel together! -- Dan Ware, Founder
Blog posts from Recent Tours

EPIC TRANS-SIBERIAN TRAIN EXPEDITIONSt. Petersburg to Vladivostok, Russia
Happy Memories
Ty Dote
Words cannot describe the beauty of Africa -- seeing wildlife in their natural habitat along with the beauty and landscape of the Namibian desert. I had such a great time that I returned for my second Toto Tour (to the Balkans) one year later!
Grover Hartt & Charles Foster
The meticulous arrangements, including knowledgeable and accessible lecturers with comfortable and luxurious accommodations, impressed us a lot during our incredible trip to Antarctica.
Nick Barrett and Piero Bonino
Our Normandy tour with Toto in 2016 was fascinating, with a brilliant local guide who had an encyclopedic knowledge of French History, Customs and Culture.
Gary Ku
I had an excellent time with the Toto Tours family for our Antarctica cruise. Dan is always making sure everyone is taken care of and included. I would encourage people to give Toto Tours a try because it is awesome!
Hima Pamoedjo
I am a retired illustrator, and I enjoy traveling all around the world with Toto Tours. I've gone with them to Costa Rica, Newfoundland, Germany, Turkey, and most recently to Tanzania where we saw incredible wildlife! I love meeting new friends on Toto Tours, and hope I will meet you on a future tour -- somewhere in this beautiful world!
Happy Memories
Photo Gallery
While creating lifelong memories, tour members also snap incredible photos which we share at the end of every tour. Here are a few wonderful moments out of thousands.

We continue to expand our India experiences next October with a tour to Kolkata......
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Toto Tours has been nominated as a finalist in the Best Tour Operator category, and we need your support to win..........
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