Khabarovsk City Tour

September 25, 2019 – After arriving in the middle of the night, and having a rest at the hotel, we meet Misha – our guide to the city of Khabarovsk.

Arriving at the Khabarovsk train station at 1:30 this morning.
Our hotel is located near the main street through the city.
Cathedral in Khabarovsk..
Monument in Khabarovsk.
The monument and the Cathedral.
Misha, our guide in Khabarovsk. Only 25 and so fluent in English and knowledgeable about the city and its history.
Petroglyphs over 10,000 years old. Older than the pyramids!
A group of young men in Khabarovsk, happy to pose for my camera.
Statues of members of the Pioneer organization (like our Boy Scouts).
View of Khabarovsk from a vantage point on the Amur River. You can see the Cathedral, where we started.
Mark contemplating the view of China across the Amur River in Khabarovsk.
Another beautiful church in Khabarovsk. We see so many, it is impossible to keep the names of all of them in memory.
Interior of the church.
The Seminary school that is affiliated with the previous church.
War memorial listing over 40,000 names of the dead in World War II.
Eternal Flame at the war memorial.
Double-deck bridge over the Amur River. Our train crossed this last night before our arrival.
Lenin Square. If you look at the top image, you can see how he is dwarfed by the University buildings behind him.
Modern building captured in the mirrored glass of another building at Lenin Square in Khabarovsk.

After our wonderful city tour with another day of fabulous weather, we return to the hotel for a couple of hours to rest and grab dinner. Then we head to the train station to depart at 8:45pm for the final leg of our journey to Vladivostok.

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